Monday, March 30, 2009

Looking into the Past

Here's a cool idea by photographer Jason Powell who finds interesting old photos from the U.S. Library of Congress, then seeks out the original locations to shoot these great overlays.

Via Flickr

I'm always fascinated by historical photos. Especially of places I recognize. I love seeing how things have changed, but moreso, I like seeing the buildings and landmarks that have stood the test of time. The Times&Transcript used to do this a few years ago, where they would find an old shot of Moncton, then have one of their photographers go to that location to shoot from the same vantage point. They would then publish the pics side-by-side in the Saturday paper. I loved pouring over those pics. Sadly, I think they simply ran out of good pics to do that with.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Honda Let's it Shine

It's no LED Sheep, but it's still neat.

The Making of:

By: Wieden + Kennedy, Amsterdam

PC's are cheap.

<a href="" target="_new" title="Laptop Hunters $1000 &#8211; Lauren Gets an HP Pavilion">Video: Laptop Hunters $1000 &#8211; Lauren Gets an HP Pavilion</a>

I guess Microsoft has finally realized that price is their only unique selling proposition. I guess that makes sense in these tight times, but I think that will hurt them in the long run. Isn't it kinda like turning your nose up at a Toyota because you can buy a Ford for less money?

Interesting that Lauren's first choice was a Mac. That's gotta tell you something.

I also like how CP+B goes with what they know - using the Burger King announcer and has Lauren buy her PC at Best Buy. (Both big CP+B clients).

Pothole Problems? Call the Colonel.

That's right Colonel Sanders has returned from the grave, but not to serve up his famous chicken. He's now in the road paving game. In a very interesting an unique marketing stunt, he could be coming to your town to fix your potholes with the small catch that you have to let him then brand them with his secret recipe of white road paint.

Started in Louisville, Kentucky, KFC plans to offer the service to at least four other deserving US cities.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A new view of the world

A sobering look at the world map from a very different perspective.

CO2 Emissions:


Created for Brazilian Magazine Brasileiros.

Expand your mind.

A nice visual for the Economist. Can you read it?

Agency: AMV.BBDO

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sound advice

Created by a group called The Sound Advice Project, these custom made bracelets are patterned after the audio waveforms made by parents as they record inspirational messages or advice to their kids. They then always have a visual reminder of the advice with them.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Extreme Sheepherding

The Pitch

Agency Creative: "Ok, so for our next viral ad, we will use a herd of highly trained sheep completely wrapped in LED lights."

Client: "I love it! How do you guys do it? Bravo! I'll go get my chequebook.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Booger light

Who hasn't done this?

Batman rides the bus

A cool promo where a Batman action figure flies along a city bus outside the window right next to the ad which is stuck on the glass.

Click to enlarge

Smart Penguins

Mega USB

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Can you forgive Vanilla Ice?

I may be able to let that go, but I'll never be able to forgive him for rocking a mic like a vandal and lighting up a stage and waxing chumps like a candle.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Check out this incredible project by Israeli musician Kutiman called Thru You. All of the sounds and clips were painstakingly searched and sampled from YouTube videos and then mixed into 7 full length tracks and videos.

Visit "ThruYou" here.

Live Every Last Drop

A nice spot for Heineken.

Reminds me a bit of Moosehead's "Every bottle has a story" campaign - but this one humanizes the beer a bit more which I like.

Aero Bubbles

How fun would this be... being able to drop into and skate a bowl full of chocolate balloons?

Not sold on the music selection, but cool spot nevertheless.