Saturday, May 30, 2009

Amazing Stop Motion.

Holy Crap this blows my mind. An amazing short film by Tomas Mankovsky called "Sorry I'm Late".

Check out the "Making of" videos on their website HERE


Incidentally, this was done with the same technique we used to shoot this EGM "Bridge" Ad last year:

Friday, May 29, 2009

Great radio spots.

I just love these. Great work.

Comcast "Epic"

Comcast "Horror"

Comcast "War"

Agency: Grupo Gallegos

Milkin' it.

Thought you'd heard it all when it comes to milk marketing messages? The folks at the California Milk Processing Board think not.

Here's a couple well done animated spots from Agency: Grupo Gallegos in Long Beach, CA

Some of GG's previous milk work:

Think With Your Dipstick Jimmy.

Glad to see the Keith's "spilly-talker" concept still has legs. Hopefully this actor has a better background.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Urban Hack Attack


Razor iPhone App

Just in time for the Stanley Cup Playoffs comes this great app for Gillette. Take a pic of someone, add a beard, then shave it off into any design. It even vibrates. Fun.

Link to iTunes App Store

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


A great little short film for the Schweppes Short Film Festival.

Visual Sleight of Hand

A great Honda spot shot completely in-camera (no green screens).

I had to watch it several times to catch them all. Pretty cool.

Read the full article

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Art of Frightening


Check out these amazing art installations from artist Motoi Yamamoto made completely of salt.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Land Rover Ambient Ads

(Click to enlarge)

Love the big mirror.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I can't hear you.

Apple vs. Microsoft (yawn)

Not a great spot, but it fits with the rest of them. What it does do is further prove my theory that Microsoft is wasting it's time and money advertising against Apple. What they should be investing in are worms and viruses designed to take down Macs. It's a no brainer really.

Saved by High Blood Pressure

Who knew?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Shortcut to Brilliant

An awesome promotional short film for Adobe CS4 by Goodby, Silverstein & Partners in San Francisco.

How does one even conceive of this stuff? Donut socks... How cool is that?

McDonald's Piccadilly Circus

Awesome use of media. Then the pics creep onto everyone's Flickr pages... smart.

Monday, May 11, 2009

"No matter how perfectly you do something, it can still be improved" - Paul Rand

Punch Out is back!

I used to love that game back in the day. Now instead of the carpal tunnel inducing button smashing of days gone by, we will take our chances by actually throwing punches at our TV screens with wrist straps firmly secured.

I'm coming for you Glass Joe!

Let the Beat Build

Check out this dope video which was shot as a school project by up and coming rapper Nyle. Audio and video were recorded at the same time - all in one take.

Via Blogadilla

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Short Attention Span?

Great spots for the Worldwide Short Film Festival. I can definitely relate to these.

I love the leaf one.

Agency: Doug, Toronto

Saturday, May 2, 2009

More Bruins Bear

Here's some of the print campaign to accompany the great TV spots that have been running. "Never date a Flyers fan, even if she shaves her moustache". Great copywriting.

This could very well be Boston's year. I'm still rooting for my Blackhawks though.


As part of their "Mission G" initiative, Gatorade has created the following documentary style film called "Replay" which reunites two arch rival high school teams from PA and NJ to suit up one more time and settle a score from 16 years ago where their annual cross-town game (a 103 year old tradition) ended in a 7-7 tie.

Many have imagined going back and suiting up one more time. These guys get to do it. Full pads, and full contact, in front of 20,00 hometown fans. They're even reunited the school bands and cheerleader squads. Plus, for good measure, Gatorade has thrown in Eli and Peyton Manning to each be a honorary coaches.

Here's the trailer:

Part One:

So far, there are 3 parts posted on the Mission G site.

Click here for part two.

A great play for Gatorade! Can't wait to see the game.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Skateboard furniture

Love this stuff...


Cool Promo

for the Newport Beach Film Festival in California.
