Monday, March 29, 2010

The first URL Expander

There's many URL shorteners out there. But I bet you've never seen one of these...


As an example, here's what an "expanded" looks like:’ll-find-it-at--HYPERLINK-"http://www-sverigesradio-se"-www-sverigesradio-se-and-not-at-the-slightly-shorter-addresss--HYPERLINK-"http://www-sr-se"-www-sr-se--One-long-running-broadcast-is-called-Vi-i-Femman-(In-the-Fifth-Grade)--We-produce-this-together-with-SVT-and-it-is-a-contest-for-fifth-graders-in-the-entire-country--The-contest-was-started-in-Swedish-Radio-back-in-1963--In-1970-SVT-(Swedish-Television)-started-broadcasting-In-the-Fifth-Grade--Nowdays-around-70,000-students-in-almost-4,000-different-classes-at-around-2,500-schools-all-over-the-country-take-part-in-the-contest--We-won’t-write-the-names-of-all-the-schools-here-even-if-it-is-tempting--Different-parts-of-the-contest-are-broadcast-at-Swedish-Radio-P4-and-at-SVT’s-Barnkanalen-(Children’s-Channel)--It-all-started-with-the-premier-contest-on-the-5th-of-November-2009--Each-class-is-represented-by-two-students,-one-boy-and-one-girl,-and-they-are-challenged-with-three-questions-from-three-other-students-in-the-class,-the-so-called-experts--Which-ones-these-are-depends-on-the-subject-matter-which-differs-from-match-to-match--In-each-contest-six-A-and-six-B-questions-will-be-posed-from-the-contest-categories--After-the-questions-are-asked-the-team-gets-30-seconds-of-thinking-time---The-team-can-win-a-total-of-12-points-in-that-turn--In-addition-to-the-Category-A-and-Category-B-questions,-there-are-also-the-Quick-Questions-Ten-Quick-Questions-are-posed-during-the-contest--A-team-/a7765049e5d29fe604e73be65f49bfd8

Peep Show

Washington Posts' second annual Peep Show diorama contest


Thursday, March 25, 2010

If thirteen pictures can tell a story...

...imagine what millions can do.

Or four...

Or two... get the idea.

Disappearing Stain

A cool ad for Hygiene Color Bleach. Stain vanishes as you get closer to the image (Back up from your screen a bit if you can't see it).

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

World's Highest Resolution Photo

Weighing in at 16,118,035,591 pixels (172,181 x 93,611) and over 2 Terabytes in size, this photo of Leonardo DaVinci's Last Supper is pretty amazing to see.

Click here to check it out:

Is handsomeness a burden your face has to live with?

Real-time object, OCR, landmark & tag recognition for your phone

One more step closer to Cyberdyne Industries, Skynet and red-eyed robots with Austrian accents.

Besides the obvious benefits for the visually impaired, I think this could also be a cool add-on for GPS systems. Imagine a camera in the dash of your car with this technology that works in conjunction with your GPS... "Turn left after the Dunkin Donuts billboard... mmm donuts"

Monday, March 22, 2010

Augmented Reality Windshields

This is very interesting...

How long will it take before advertisers get into that action?

The Last Advertising Agency On Earth

Bad ads make kittens cry.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Join the Dark Side.

Earth Hour
March 27, 2010

I nominate this most awesome video of the day.

This will blow your mind...

"Cycles" - Music and video by Cyriak

Honk. Honk.

Mmmmm... Monkey Fingers!


How did this make you feel? Did you laugh? Were you grossed out? Do you now care more about Orangoutangs? Will you stop eating Kit Kats?

Maybe we should all switch to Cadbury who clearly supports the species.

Alien vs. Predator

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Moncton Pixels

Take a second and have a look at one of my favorite daily sources of visual inspiration. Brian Branch is not only one of Moncton's top Graphic Designers, but has quite a photographic eye as well and shares some of his pics with us via his daily photo blog.

I am constantly amazed at how he always sees such interesting images in everyday, mundane things - stuff that most people wouldn't look twice at. Not only that, but he seems to always be in the right place at the right time.

His subjects vary from insects, antique cars, country landscapes, to urban street scenes, billboards and shopping carts. He is also quite a dextrous shooter too as you'll see by some of his shots from behind the wheel of his car or while riding his mountain bike (Be careful Brian).

Here's a small sampling of some of the ones that I like, but be sure to check out his entire blog. There's something for everyone and posts are often cleverly named which often adds even more meaning to the shots. If you're like me, you'll find yourself clicking and clicking through page after page.

Check it out here: